Timing your spell is essential.
Light your Candle under a waxing Moon. This is the phase between the New Moon and the Full Moon (easily found online). When the Moon is waxing, life energy is amplified. When the Moon is waning, life energy is decreased. Since you are calling in prosperity with this spell, the Candle must only be lit during the waxing Moon. For maximum results do your spell work on a Thursday. Thursday is Jupiter’s day, and Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion.
Prepare yourself.
Cleanliness is key. Always perform your rituals with a clean body, clean hands, and a clear, uncluttered emotional mindset.
Place your Candle in your sacred space.
Place your Candle on a non-flammable surface clear of drafts, children, and pets. Unlike a factory-made candle, these babies are drippers and the wax will 100% drip so make sure you have something to catch it. NEVER LEAVE A LIT CANDLE UNATTENDED.
Lighting your Candle.
Do not use a match to light your Candle. Matches on an altar are a definite no-go; the tips are sulfur and phosphorus elements, often used in destructive magick (think brimstone). Use a lighter to light a small “starter” candle (perhaps a birthday candle). Light your starter candle in another room and walk it to your altar to light the Candle you have placed there. If your candlewick refuses to stay lit it may be an indicator that the magick is weak and you should try at another time. Don’t force your magick. You want alignment and flow.
Mind your Candle.
As your spell progresses, your Candle will need some attention. If the wax pools around the wick while burning, use a little stick or a toothpick to release the wax pool so your wick can breathe. Make a glitter river! If your wick gets too long and starts to curl, cut it with a small scissor. This will keep your flame (magick) burning strong. If your Candle goes out, you have either let your wick drown, or your spell has run its course. Don’t re-light an already used spell candle. AGAIN, NEVER LEAVE YOUR LIT FLAME UNATTENDED.
Burn times
Because there’s a velocity to magick, each Conjuring Candle burns differently. Unlike industrial-produced candles, burn speed may greatly vary depending on size, anywhere from a few hours to a day. As with all intentional candle magick, it is best to allow your Candle to burn all the way down. However, if this is not possible you may pause your spell work. It is important to never BLOW your Candle out, as this breaks the magick and will extinguish your spell. Use a candle snuffer or pinch the wick between your wet fingers.
Invoke your Universal supports
You are working in concert with Source, so call forth your Guardian Angels, Archangels, deities, planetary energies, Spirit, or whomever it is you co-create with. Call them in to aid you in your candle magick.
Create a circle of safety.
Think of your circle of safety as an energetic barrier that walls out any unwelcome entities or energies. To clear the area, you might choose to burn sage or incense (smoke magick), light a few smaller white or black candles, or add any other magickal tools that help you claim your space.
Add your personal petition.
If you have a specific desire, you may use a small knife or a toothpick to carve your desire directly onto your Candle, or you can write a petition paper to add to your altar.
Give your gratitude to the gods.
Hare Rama, Prime Creator, Five Elements – whatever you co-create with be sure to say thank you.
Close your circle of safety.
Once you have finished your ritual, you will close your portal and say thank you to those who have helped you. Wrap up as you opened up, with confidence and gratitude.
Wrap the remaining wax and refuse into a brown paper bag and bury it into the earth for recycling. If this is not an option for you, discard it with a blessing.